Gryphon Editions Classics of Ophthalmology

The following are books published by Gryphon Editions in the Classics of Ophthalmology Library. Included in the Classics of Ophthalmology are important books about eye medicine and eye surgery. Each book in this series is bound in full genuine leather.

Note: Some titles may now be discontinued!

The Collected Papers of Sir W. Bowman, Bart., F.R.S Vol II - 1984
A Treatise on the Cataract by Jacob De Wenzel - 1984
On the Anomalies of Accommodation and Refraction of the Eye with a Preliminary Essay on Physiological Dioptrics by F. C. Donders - 1984
Three Memoirs on Iridectomy in Certain Forms if Iritis, Choroiditis and Glaucoma by A. Von Graefe - 1984
A Clinical Memoir on Certain Diseases of the Eye and Ear Consequent on Inherited Syphilis by Jonathan Hutchinson - 1984
A Practical Treatise on The Diseases of the Eye by William MacKenzie - 1984
Practical Observations on the Principal Diseases of the Eyes : Illustrated with Cases by Antonio Scarpa - 1984
A Synopsis of the Diseases of the Eye : and their Treatment by Benjamin Travers - 1984
Essays on the Morbid Anatomy of the Human Eye by James Wardrop - 1984
On the use of the Ophthalmoscope in Diseases of the Nervous System and of the Kidneys: also in Certain other General Disorders by T Clifford Allbutt - 1985
A Treatise on the Disease of the Eye by George Frick - 1985
Memorandum Book of a Tenth-Century Oculist by Ali Ibn Isa - 1985
De Oculis: Eorumque Egitudinibus et Curis by Benevenutus Grassus of Jerusalem - 1985
Helmholtz's Treatise on Physiological Optics by Hermann von Helmholtz - 1985
A Treatise on Intraocular Tumors from Original Clinical Observations and Anatomical Investigations by Hermann Jakob Knapp - 1986
Treatise on Some Practical Points Relating to the Diseases of the Eye by John Cunningham Saunders - 1986
A Practical Treatise on The Diseases of the Eye by John Vetch - 1986
Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases of the Eye by Henry Willard Williams - 1986
Three Treatise on Strabismus: Treatise on Strabismus: Observations on the Cure of Strabismus: Monograph on Strabismus by John Homer Dix, Alfred Charles Post and Frank Hamilton - 1987
A Manual and Atlas of Medical Opthalmoscopy by William R. Gowers - 1987
Essay on the Instruction and Amusement of the Blind / Light for the Blind by Sebastien Guillie and William Moon - 1987
A Treatise on the Diseases of the Eye by William Lawrence - 1987
Three treatises : On the Brain, On the Eye, and On the Ear by Alexander Monro - 1987
Treatise on the Eye , The Manner and Phaenomena of Vision by William Porterfield - 2 volumes - 1987
Clinical Studies on Diseases of the Eye including those of the Conjunctiva, Cornea, Sclerotic, Iris, and Ciliary Body by Ferdinand von Arlt - 1987
An Essay on Vision Briefly explaining the Fabric of the Eye, and the Nature of Vision by George Adams - 1988
Practical Observations on Ectropium, or Eversion of the Eye-lids on Ectopium by William Adams - 1988
Text Book of Ophthalmology by Ernst Fuchs - 1988
Ophthalmographia, or a Treatise of the Eye by Peter Kennedy - 1988
Treatise on One-Hundred and Eighteen Principal Diseases of the Eyes and Eyelids, Etc. by William Rowley - 1988
Extracting the Cataract / An Essay Upon Single Vision by James Ware and William Charles Wells - 1988
A Treatise on the Diseases of the Eye and Their Remedies by George Chandler - 1989
The Anatomy of the Human Eye by John Dalrymple - 1989
The Principles and Practices of Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery by Thomas Wharton Jones - 1989
A Manual of the Diseases of the Eye by Squier Littell Jr. - 1989
A Treatise on the Extraction of the Cataract by August Gottlieb Richter - 1989
Ophthalmo-Graphia : or an Anatomical Description of the Eye and its Parts / A New Theory of Vision by William Briggs - 1990
The Pathology of the Eye by Jonas S. Friedenwald - 1990
Lectures on Operative Surgery of the Eye by George James Gutherie - 1990
Injuries of the Eye, Orbit, and Eyelids by George Lawson - 1990
A New Treatise on the Glaucoma or Cataract by Sylvester O'Halloran - 1990
A Short but Exact Account of all The Diseases Incident to the Eyes, with the Causes, Symptoms and Cures by Sir William Read - 1990
The History of the Travels and Adventures of the Chevalier John Taylor, Ophthalmiater by John Taylor - 1990
Lectures on the Human Eye in its Normal and Pathological Conditions by Adolf Alt - 1991
Trachoma by Julius Boldt - 1991
Ophthalmic Surgery by Robert Brudenell Carter and William Adams Frost - 1991
On the Cure of Cataract with a Practical Summary of the Best Modes of Operating, Continental and British by Hugh Neill - 1991
Treatise on Ophthalmology and Those Diseases Which are Induced by Inflammations of the Eyes with New Methods of Cure by Edward Moore Noble -1991
The Elements of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy by Voltaire - 1991
A Complete Physico-Medical and Chirurgical Treatise on the Human Eye by Peter Degravers - 1992
A Treatise of the Varieties and Consequences of Ophthalmia by Arthur Edmonston - 1992
The Muscles of the Eye by Lucien Howe - 2 volumes - 1992
Atlas of the pathological anatomy of the eyeball by Hermann Pagenstecher and Carl Genth - 1992
Discoveries on Ligth and Vision : with a Short Memoir Containing Discoveries in the Mental Faculties by Mary Griffith  - 1993
Men of Vision : Lives of Notable Figures in Ophthalmology by Daniel M Albert; Paul Henkind - 1993