The following are books published by Gryphon Editions in the Classics of Surgery Library. Included in the Classics of Surgery Library are historic medical operation titles and surgical procedure titles. Each book in this series is bound in full genuine leather.
Note: Some titles may now be discontinued!
Surgical observations on the constitutional origin and treatment of local diseases and on aneurysms by John Abernethy - 1984
General Surgical Pathology and Therapeutics in Fifty Lectures for Students and Physicians by Theodor Billroth - 1984
The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus by James Henry Breasted - 1984
On Lesions of the Vascular System, Diseases of the Rectum, and Other Surgical Complaints by Baron Dupuytren - 1984
Surgical Papers by William Stewart Halsted - 2 volumes - 1984
The Apologie and Treatise of Ambroise Pare Containing the Voyages Made Into Divers Places with Many of His Writings Upon Surgery - 1984
Paulus Aegineta on surgery: Containing books VI & IV of The seven books of Paulus Aegineta - 1985
An Experimental and Clinical Research into Certain Problems relating to Surgical Operations by George W. Crile - 1985
The Genuine Works of Hippocrates - 1985
A Treatise on the Blood Inflammation, and Gun-Shot Wounds by John Hunter - 1985
Memoirs of Military Surgery and Campaigns of the French Armies by Dominique Jean Larrey - 1985
The Chirurgical Works of Percivall Pott - 1985
A treatise on the high operation for the stone / A history of the high operation for the stone by William Cheselden and J. C. Carpue - 1986
Surgical Essays Part I and Part II of Sir Astley Cooper and Benjamin Travers - 1986
Experimental Surgery by Nicholas Senn - 1986
Intestinal Obstruction Together with Peritonitis by Frederick Treves - 1986
Selected Papers in Physiology and Vascular Surgery by Alexis Carrel - 1987
The Collected Papers of Joseph Baron Lister (2 volumes) - 1987
The Whole Course of Chirurgerie by Peter Lowe - 1987
The use of the laryngoscope in diseases of the throat with an appendix on rhinoscopy by Sir Morell Mackenzie - 1987
Aequanimitas with Other Addresses to Medical Students, Nurses and Practitioners of Medicine by William Osler - 1987
Medical and Surgical Memoirs by Nation Smith - 1987
A Treatise on Hernia by Antonio Scarpa - 1988
The Roentgen Rays in Medicine and Surgery : As an Aid in Diagnosis and a Therapeutic Agent by Francis H. Williams - 1988
Sir Astley Cooper's Lectures on Surgery (2 volumes) - 1989
Cancer of The Rectum / Regional Ileitis by W. Ernest Miles and Burrill B. Crohn - 1989
The Surgery of Pain by René Leriche - 1989
The Principles of Surgery by Nicholas Senn - 1989
The Principles of Surgery by James Syme - 1989
Principles of surgical care : shock and other problems by Alfred Blalock - 1990
An Account of Two Successful Operations for Restoring a Lost Nose from the Integuments of the Forehead by J. C. Carpue - 1990
Surgery of the Head by Harvey Cushing - 1990
The Surgery of Head and Neck by Levi Cooper Lane - 1990
Silver Sutures in Surgery / Clinical Notes on Uterine Surgery by J. Marion Sims - 1990
The Shoulder Rupture of The Suprasprinatus Tendon And Other Lesions in Or About The Subacromial Bursa by E.A. Codman - 1991
Benign Tumors in the Third Ventricle of the Brain : Diagnosis and Treatment by Walter Dandy - 1991
A System of Surgery; Pathological, Diagnostic, Therapeutic, and Operative by Samuel D. Gross - 2 volumes - 1991
The Healing Hand : Man and Wound in the Ancient World by Guido Majno - 1991
The Therapeutic Problems in Bowel Obstruction by Owen Wangensteen - 1991
Operative Gynecology by Howard Kelly - 2 volumes - 1992
De Aneurysmatibus (Aneurysms) by Giovanni Maria Lancisi - 1992
On Chloroform and Other Anesthetics : Their Action and Administration by John Snow - 1992
The Puzzle People : Memoirs of a Transplant Surgeon by Thomas E. Starzl - 1992
The Morbid Anatomy of Some of the Most Important Parts of the Human Body by Matthew Baillie - 1994
Experiments and observations on the gastric juice and the physiology of digestion by William Beaumont - 1994
Surgical Treatment of Diseases of the Brain by Ernst von Bergmann - 1994
Autobiography of Samuel D. Gross - 1994
The Aphorisms of Hippocrates - 1994
The etiology, the concept and the prophylaxis of childbed fever by- Ignaz F. Semmelweis - 1994
Orthopaedia : Or, the Art of Correcting and Preventing Deformities in Children by Nicolas Andry - 2 volumes - 1995
Religio Medici: Together with a Letter to a Friend on the Death of His Intimate Friend and Christian Morals by Sir Thomas Browne - 1995
Medical Education in the United States and Canada by Abraham Flexner - 1997
Medical ethics or a code of institutes and precepts, adapted to the professional conduct of physicians and surgeons by Thomas Percival - 1997